• Chef of the Week: Labelle Afrilight – Pound Cake Recipe (Nigerian Cake)

    A few days ago, Some of our Afrolems fans requested a recipe for Nigerian Cake. You know the one that most shops and bakeries had but never told you the real name of the cake. Well, I am here to let you know that it’s called Pound cake but everybody adjusts their pound cake recipes to fit their taste. Now for people that have followed this blog from the beginning, I have always said I am not a huge baker so when this recipe was requested, I was kind of stumped. Luckily, a very lovely chef which by the way I think her photography is beyond amazing, sent us a recipe for Pound cake. As horrible as I am with baking, I am actually excited to try out this recipe. I may even post a picture if I succeed with it lol. I present to you, Labelle Afrilight’s version of Pound Cake. Oh by the way, check out her blog for interesting recipes.



    • 160 g of butter at room temperature
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1/2 cup of natural yogurt (fat free preferable and removed from fridge at least 30 minutes before using)
    • 1 cup of granulated sugar (you can use half cup if you don’t like much sugar)
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • 3 tablespoon vanilla extract
    • 1/4 cup of milk
    • 2 cups of plain flour
    • 5 large eggs at room temperature
    • 1 small nutmeg (1/2 teaspoon)




    Step 1: With the aid of a sifter, sift the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg) into a bowl and set aside.
    Step 2: Grease the cake pan and dust with flour. Also pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius
    Step 3: Put the butter, sugar and yogurt into a mixer or bowl {if you are using hand mixer}, mix until fluffy; mix on a high speed.
    Step 4: Crack in the eggs, one at a time…mix for about a minute before adding next. Then add the vanilla extract and mix.
    Step 5: Add the flour in batches; reduce the speed to the lowest and mixed. Once the flour is combined (doesn’t have to be perfect), and then stop; so you don’t over work the batter.
    Step 6: At this point, add the milk and mix with a spatula until combined.
    Step 7: Pour batter into the greased cake pan and bake for approximately 50 minutes or until golden brown.

    ** To check that the cake is probably baked; insert a wooden skewer into the cake, if it comes out clean without any crumbs, then its perfect; if otherwise, please put back into the oven. **

    NB: Please do not open the oven while the cake is baking, if you do so it would affect the cake causing it not to rise properly or if its risen it would flat out (I hope this makes sense)…
    Step 8: Once baked, remove from the oven and leave to cool for about 20 minutes before transferring onto your serving tray.
    In a small bowl, add 3 tablespoons icing sugar +2 teaspoons of milk, mix together and drizzle on the cake.

    vanilla pound cake
    how to make nigerian cake
    nigerian cake_pound cake

    11 comments on “Chef of the Week: Labelle Afrilight – Pound Cake Recipe (Nigerian Cake)”

    1. Bumblebee Reply

      Made the cake today. Unfortunately, it wasn’t very nice.

      As I bake often, I was concerned about the recipe especially when it said end the mixture by putting milk. I was of the impression that you should always finish with a dry as opposed to a wet ingredient.

      The resulting cake was very eggy. 5 large eggs are way too much for that size of cake. There was a very strong taste of eggs.

      After having a slice each, the remainder of the cake will not be eaten.

      Thanks for the recipe though. I will not attempt to make another Nigetian cake.

      • afrolems Reply

        Oh no Bumble bee. Sorry to hear about that. I would personally try to put up a Nigerian cake recipe myself as this was a submission by another blogger.

    2. Holly Awah Reply

      Hello Afrolems. Can I use glucose powder instead of the icing sugar for the glaze?I have all the other ingredient to make the cake but no icing sugar.

      • afrolems Reply

        I have never tried glucose powder as a glaze but you can try it and let us know if it works for you. This was a guest post so the original author may know better

    3. Sophia Reply

      Wow would to try it but at what degrees do I bake coz I have fan assisted oven. Thanx

      • afrolems Reply

        You would still bake at the normal 180 degrees but I advise to check the cake in 30 minutes with a tooth pick as your fan assisted oven might make it bake quicker. I would stick a toothpick after 30 minutes in it and if the toothpick comes out dry, your cake is ready.

    4. Pingback: Vanilla Pound Cake – Eat With Your Eyes

    5. Pingback: Vanilla Pound Cake – Eat With Your Eyes – The Dirty Gyro

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