Chef: Popoola Oluwatobi
Number of servings
What you need:
- Meat (Beef, Chicken, Goat meat, cow leg [personal favorite]
- Onions [5]
- Tomatoes [6]
- Peppers [2/3]
- 1 clove of Garlic
- Ginger [as preferred]
- Vegetable/Olive oil [healthy choice]
- Salt
- Maggi
- Thyme
- Curry
- Dry pepper
What to do
. Clean and season the meat using one onion, dry pepper, salt, Maggi, curry and thyme. Place on burner to heat till soft.
. Blend your onions, garlic, ginger, peppers and tomatoes to a smooth paste.
. Place pot on fire and put 4 cooking spoons of vegetable oil to heat
. Slice onions into hot oil to give the oil flavor
. Pour your blended tomato paste into the hot oil to fry. Cover and leave to boil for 20 mins.
. Obtain stock from boiled meat or chicken and pour into the boiling stew and then taste to determine if it needs extra seasoning.
. leave stew to boil for an extra 10mins, then add your boiled or fried meat into the stew to simmer for 3mins.
. Food is ready to be served.
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