Hey Afrolem lovers,
Hey hey hey hope everyone is good and the holidays were great. Afrolems has officially re-opened from the holidays so feel free to place your stew orders. Most of you know the drill but for those that are new to this here is how it works. Text your orders on thursday and get it delivered on saturday. We are however doing it differently this year. As you text your orders email the money and if you cancel the order, 5% of the money would be taken if cancelled on saturday. prices are still the same : small bowl- $15, medium bowl- $25 delivery to mississauga- $5 downtown – $8
We are also adding something extra to the month of january and february. The food of the month for both months is beans pottage (ewa agonyin). This is for people looking to eat healthier and shed holiday weight. Beans are easier proteins to digest than others.
Also 🙂 if you refer 5 people that place an order with afrolems you get a small bowl of stew or beans free so tell a friend to tell a friend and get your free bowls of stew. Looking forward to receiving orders.
Afrolems is happy to cater to you 😀
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